zaterdag 27 oktober 2007

a picture is worth a thousand words...

old engine stuff, written in pure java, code of this can be found here(again)

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007

more editor stuff

here is an executable for the editor,
you can create octagons but only in the upper left window, i find it really shit that in (default) c++ there isn't a good way to list files, so i have to specify a .txt a where all other files will go into(


vrijdag 12 oktober 2007

editor progress

some progress on the "level editor"
tonight i ported old code of the java-editor to c++. Right now it is possible to create primitives, with at most 200 faces... more than that it and crashes back to the OS. Hopefully i can integrate the glsl part of the engine into the editor so we can get a wysiwg type of editor. But that means also dealing with POV, collision detection etc. etc.:)


Paul Holverda

woensdag 10 oktober 2007

got text working

text is now displayed correctly, i had to use alpha testing instead of blending with the framebuffer, when multipass rendering, and not clearing the screen, (Duh!!):


paul holverda