dinsdag 25 december 2007


i've been busy with programming the gui, and found a wxpropertygrid for it, a really nice addition where one can create easily property grid and it looks really stunning

donderdag 13 december 2007

some thoughts...

i've been thinking of the editor lately, nowadays it is unacceptable to create geometry, only with primitives. I'm busy with implementing patches but they are more a novelty(and also limited)..so there has to be a better way to create stunning geometry.
So i came up with the following, the editor is mainly used to place lights, doors, triggers, in short actors that inhabit the world. For visibility determination there will still be brushes placed to 'sculpt' the rough geometry, all these brushes with the same flag( WORLD_BRUSH) will be csg'ed
and the polygons of these brushes will be used for creating sectors(bsp tree i think, or just go with the planes of the original brush?! ) so grouping them will be easy. All the detailed geometry, can be created in a modellers environment, like maya, max etc. because it is beyond the scope of the editor.

maandag 10 december 2007

hacked in normal maps, now i can finally go finish the editor

dinsdag 4 december 2007

glsl lightning

got glsl lightning working, by only chanding the .shader files:), not actually modifying the c++ source files

vrijdag 23 november 2007

another post

i can display textures in the viewport:) texcoords are automatically generated in the range 0..1 thats why some are still fucked up. the nicest part is it is scripted so i can change shaders/ textures by only editing the script files

boolean operations

i've got boolean operations working,
right now the supported operations are csg union, csg subtraction, and csg hollow, also i've written a material library, where material properties(mass, #textures, and surface properties. e.g. slime, lava ) go in a .shader file that will be parsed upon loading. Great benefit of this is that textures aren't hardcoded anymore.
Textures, materials and shader programs will only get loaded once if they are already in memory i will just return a reference( that was the hardest part);

zaterdag 27 oktober 2007

a picture is worth a thousand words...

old engine stuff, written in pure java, code of this can be found here(again) http://home.hccnet.nl/pj.holverda/

dinsdag 23 oktober 2007

more editor stuff

here is an executable for the editor, http://home.hccnet.nl/pj.holverda/
you can create octagons but only in the upper left window, i find it really shit that in (default) c++ there isn't a good way to list files, so i have to specify a .txt a where all other files will go into(


vrijdag 12 oktober 2007

editor progress

some progress on the "level editor"
tonight i ported old code of the java-editor to c++. Right now it is possible to create primitives, with at most 200 faces... more than that it and crashes back to the OS. Hopefully i can integrate the glsl part of the engine into the editor so we can get a wysiwg type of editor. But that means also dealing with POV, collision detection etc. etc.:)


Paul Holverda

woensdag 10 oktober 2007

got text working

text is now displayed correctly, i had to use alpha testing instead of blending with the framebuffer, when multipass rendering, and not clearing the screen, (Duh!!):


paul holverda

vrijdag 21 september 2007

progress on level editor

i've made some progress on the level editor, the 4 viewports act accordingly, although i'm pretty ill i couldn't force myself to stay in bed
more to come...

donderdag 20 september 2007

level editor

i've been busy with learning wxwidgets lately, it is really nice and clean api, anyone that wants to learn gui programming i can recommend it. much better than mfc, all functions are packaged in easy to understand classes. There is also a really good wxwidgets gui designer found here wxformbuilder.org. i designed the global layout in minutes:). Over the editor, not much too see yet, except for the 4 colored panels, they correspondend to 4 individual opengl panels(top, left, front, and perspective) where one can create primitives in, most of it i had already written in java, so it just porting.


maandag 30 juli 2007

Code dump

i've deciced to dump the code i've created 3 years ago now, so it can be (A)used for everyone.
it is a complete csg/bsp lightmap generator for quake based maps. including removing unseen faces. as well as a basic software renderer and a very basic opengl renderer. but for beginners like i was back in the time it is a valuable addition.

the complete code can be found here


bottoms up


maandag 23 juli 2007

Constructive solid geometry

almost got CSG working, some polygons are not removed properly, but nothing hard to overcome

donderdag 19 juli 2007

Plane Clipping

Just ported old code of the java engine to c++, plane clipping and sorting polygon counter clockwise, the colors here are taken from the plane normals, next will be CSG:D

woensdag 18 juli 2007

Quake3 BSP

new update:D:D first sample of a quake3 level, nothing fancy just textures + lightmaps
some textures have their 't' coordinate flipped, i had the same problem in java, when loading .tga textures so i guess it also applies to c++

donderdag 12 juli 2007


This site will mainly be dedicated to my hobby and work, programming, not the usual gui building stuff, but 3d. Also i will try to update this site as often as possible, with reports about the current 3d engine progress..stay tuned. Sound, music, ambient and sfx, will be provided by parasonic
http://myspace.com/doodenverderf check it out!