dinsdag 27 mei 2008

virtual cube maps

here are 2 pics of rendering to an unrolled depth cube map, just RGB for now, because depth cube maps are recently supported on geforce 8x hardware, it is unrolled for now, in a standard texture


woensdag 21 mei 2008


...last blog comment sofar.. i will post more if i got more convincing screenshots..this are more of the same kind..

zondag 18 mei 2008

code changes

I've rewritten certain parts of the code, mainly 'alWorld.cpp', alShadowmap.cpp, and alCamera.cpp.
before alWorld had 2 arraylists, containing both deferred and forward shaded polys. I've moved this variables to the alCamera.h so every camera has it's own set of visible polygons..much more easier to maintain. Since i can query frustum calls directly from the camera class.
plus it is easier to create special effects like mirrors, portals.
I hope to implement shadowmapping today.

void alWorld::doShadowPass(alLight* light)
//setup matrices for this light
alShadowMap *map = light->getShadowMap();
//render to FBO(depth only)
alCamera * cam = map->getCamera();
//get intersecting polys
//fill depth buffer
//end fbo
//wxLogMessage(_T("NumPolys is %d"), cam->getDeferredPolys()->size());

zaterdag 10 mei 2008

some thoughts..

i did some research..mostly reading white papers about deferred shading, mostly about setting up the g-buffer..but most of the papers stated that it is difficult..to do transparancy. But i don't see the big deal, i first render all deferred geometry, than do the lighting pass, (yes lightning is limited). Then switch to forward shading, and can all do of nice stuff. Right now i've set the limit to the 8 hardware openGL lights. Which i think is enough, for surfaces that really need to be highlighted, we can get some really nice effects.

Next big thing is integrating physics, i've set up the basic framework already, every material can have its special properties, mass, material, specific gravity. I'm going to integrate bullet physics
(http://www.bulletphysics.com/Bullet/wordpress/) they did a great job..i'm impressed especially by their softbody physics.


dinsdag 6 mei 2008


test.. with some model..textures are wrong, as well as the winding of the polygons...

update..added a simple water shader..basically took the old (Forward rendering ) code and rewrote it a bitt

maandag 5 mei 2008


implemented screen space ambient occlusion, still need some tweaking though